LaVan Martineau
The family of the author Lavan Martineau have had in storage for 16 years the archives of their father’s work since he passed away in February of 2000. His collections have been gathering dust every since his passing, with several offers to have it all donated or sold off in sections. After some talks with family and friends, the decision was made to organize a committee called Martineau Archives. This new committee will go over the collection to organize and sort through the hand written notes, photos & maps to catalog and seperate before the digital process begins.
Since this is a new committee and on a volunteer basis, the process may take some time and start off slow until the groups can get organize, and the equipment required is available through funding. Martineau Archives is by the request of the family to keep the collection in one local and the process can begin without any further delay. This website will be run by the new Administrator and the committee with full support of the family of LaVan Martineau. All the family asks is to keep the tribes from all lands in the Americas informed by having a page devoted to keeping the tribes issues "In The News", to help bring awareness in the protection of sacred sites, lands, petroglyphs and their ancient homelands.
Our goal is to preserve all unpublished documents he had written in pencil and get them digitized before they deteriorate anymore. Once that is done, some of the books will be published in paper and electronic form so his many years of knowledge will not be lost.
Our mission is to hopefully open the eyes to those who need more understanding of this lost written system and change the worldviews on what is called “Rock Art” and give acknowledgement to the aboriginal people who wrote their ancient history on stone in such a way that its mysteries of a written language could not be deciphered by scholars and professors in this modern era, until now. We want to show the world how this lost language can be read and bring back these ancient stories on stone that have been forgotten over time and reveal the true meaning of the petroglyph writing system.
Through this website, we want to educate the reader in better understanding the PWS (Petroglyph Writing System) and with your help bring us closer to our goal of getting the much needed equipment to scan the many photos, pencil drawing of symbols with interpretations, maps and page descriptions locating the sites. Since most of these were written in pencil on lined paper, the scanning process will need to be edited and cleaned up from the pencil smudges, water damage marks and wear and tear of the images. This will require many hours of work in the process that lies ahead. This is a project that has been long overdue and with time being of critical matter, the journey starts here to get this project moving.